Ash Vs Paul Lake Acuity Full Battle English

The season is Sinnoh League Victors, and it is Diamond and Perl's 186th episode (commonly called DP186). The battle lasts for three episodes. Ash beats Paul and advances to the Top 4, where he battles a powerful trainer named Tobias. I won't spoil anything but just know that Ash's battle with Tobias comes after his battle with Paul. READ ME ★ Watch Part 1:★ Watch Part 2:As. Ash Vs Paul Sinnoh League Full Battle. Hello guys what up welcome to another video from mario 123, if you enjoyed please leave a like and drop comment, your new make sure sub tu. Second Ash brought back his Kanto starters for this battle that's good fan service. Plus the battle screws your expectations by having Charizard being the first pokemon to go down to wacky anime rules. The highlight of the battle was were Ash barely clinching the battle with volt tackle was epic. Ash vs Paul (Lake Acuity battle). Hearst Television participates in various affiliate marketing programs, which means we may get paid commissions on purchases made through our links to retailer sites.

Hello everyone! Btr100 over here with the 6th and FINAL chapter of my story: Ash vs Paul: Alternate Version! (Rewrite)

So...I'm thinking of a Ben 10 story which is possible to happen as my Teen Titans story will be a oneshot and the Ash vs. Elena will be a possible oneshot or 2-shot and also the Pokemon: Random Junk will be endless, can be updated anytime with the rest of my stories being updated.

Need to make up for lost time cause its near the beginning of May, and the only full month of my Summer Vacation...


The Full Battle between Ash and Paul at the banks of Lake Acuity is about to come to its final battle!

With all 5 of Paul's Pokemon standing and only one left standing, Paul is at a serious disadvantage against his rival Ash Ketchum who had only lost 2 of his fastest Sinnoh Pokemon: Buizel and Staraptor.

Bad news for Paul as well because Electabuzz is about to give out because of exhaustion as he took damage from his battle with Chimchar earlier, took some damage in his battle with Pikachu and Grotle came to give Paul's powerhouse some major damage.

But with Chimchar back on the field, both Pokemon had felt a power surge in their bodies. But the question is:

Who will win? Which Pokemon is better? Can Electabuzz journey his trainer to victory? Or will Chimchar finish this battle once and for all?


'Chimchar! Flamethrower!'

'Electabuzz! THUNDER!'

Chimchar then fired a stream of flames from his mouth while Electabuzz fired a bolt of lightning from the tips of his antennae. The attacks then collided and caused an explosion.

'Chimchar, Flame Wheel!'

Chimchar then covered himself in flames and rolled around until he was the shape of a wheel, before rolling towards Electabuzz.

'Electabuzz, Thunder!'

Electabuzz then fired a bolt of lightning from the tips of its antennae, Ash then reacted quickly and shouted a command:

'Chimchar, Counter Shield!'

Chimchar then released several fire whips around the fire wheel as he was rolling towards Electabuzz in mid-air. The whips then protected Chimchar from the Thunder attack before resulting into a mid-air explosion.

The rolling flame wheel then passed the dust clouds and landed a hit on Electabuzz's stomach, sending the Humanoid Electric-type flying and crashing towards some rocks, before quickly recovering.

'Chimchar, Flamethrower!'

Ash vs paul lake acuity full battle english dub

'Electabuzz, Protect!'

Chimchar then fired a stream of hot fire from his mouth towards Electabuzz, who had just formed a green barrier all around himself. The Flamethrower attack managed to hit, but did little to the barrier.

'Now, ThunderPunch!'

Electabuzz's right hand then cackled with electricity before charging towards the little Fire Chimp.

'Chimchar, get away with Dig!'

Ash Vs Paul Lake Acuity Full Battle English Subtitles

And Chimchar obeyed his trainer and dug underground, leaving a hole behind and also forcing Electabuzz to stop in its tracks. Electabuzz tried to look for any signs of Chimchar coming near, but Chimchar then dug out right in front of him and uppercutted him with his little hands.

'Now Chimchar! Flamethrower!'

Chimchar then fired a stream of flames from his mouth, which landed a direct hit on Electabuzz and sent him backwards. Chimchar danced around with joy, and Team Rocket enjoyed seeing the happy little Fire Chimp.

'Wow, look at that chimp go!' said Meowth.

'Electabuzz! Thunder!' Paul shouted.

Electabuzz then fired a bolt of lightning from the tips of its antennae. Chimchar saw the attack and stopped its happy dance, before attempting to run away. But it was too late. Chimchar was hit by Electabuzz's Thunder attack, sending Chimchar flying backwards.

Ash Vs Paul Lake Acuity Full Battle English Dubbed

'Chimchar! Are you okay?'

Chimchar only grinned before shouting out: 'Chiiiiimmm..CHAAAARRR!' And after that...his body glowed white and the evolution process began. He grew a tail, became much more taller and his arms were much more thicker and less skinny. The white glow then dissapeared.

The pokemon had a blue mascara-like painting on his face and there were yellow orange rings on his upper arms. He gained some baboon-like features and also gained fangs.

The pokemon was not Chimchar, as standing right there replacing him, was Monferno.

'Monferno!' the Playful Pokemon shouted out.

Dawn then checked her Pokedex.

'Monferno, the Playful Pokémon and the evolved form of Chimchar. It controls its flaming tail to keep its opponent at an ideal distance when battling.' the Pokedex beeped.

Monferno then grinned at its newfound strength, with Electabuzz grinning as well, as he had found a worthy opponent, rather than just someone it could push around.

'Electabuzz! ThunderPunch!'

Electabuzz's right hand then cackled with electricity and charged forwards Monferno. But Monferno's hands suddenly glowed white, before charging at a much faster pace. Monferno appeared in front of Electabuzz, stopping him in its tracks, before punching him in the stomach, sending Electabuzz crashing towards a rock.


Monferno then jumped bac in front of Ash.

'Monferno! That was great! You learned Mach Punch!' Ash said happily. Monferno smiled and gave Ash a thumbs-up. Electabuzz then stood up, more than ready to try and stop the newly evolved Monferno into winning the battle. More than ready to defeat its former teammate, with a sentiment Monferno agreeing with a confident grin on his face.

'Electabuzz! ThunderPunch!'

'Monferno! Mach Punch!'

Electabuzz's hands cackled with electricity, while Monferno's arms shined brightly and glowing white. They charged towards each other, before quickly turning into a boxing fight, with both Pokemon delivering Mach Punches and ThunderPunches towards each other, and at one point, managed to strike a headshot at one another with their punches.

The boxing fight ended with a collision of Mach Punch and ThunderPunch, which causes an explosion that sent both Pokemon back.

'Monferno, Flamethrower!'

'Electabuzz, Protect!'

Monferno then fired a stream of flames from his mouth, but it was blocked by the green barrier Electabuzz made.

'Electabuzz! Thunder!' Paul shouted.

Electabuzz then fired a bolt of lightning from the tips of its antennae towards the Playful Pokemon.

Ash vs paul lake acuity full battle english

'Monferno! Dig!' Ash commanded.

Monferno then dug underground, leaving a hole behind and also dodging Electabuzz's Thunder attack. Moments later, Monferno uppercutted Electabuzz again from underground, with Electabuzz being pushed backwards and Monferno jumping back in front of its trainer.

'Monferno! Flame Wheel!' Ash commanded.

Monferno then rolled around as he covered himself in flames, creating a flame wheel, before rolling towards Electabuzz.

'Electabuzz! Thunder!' Paul shouted.

Electabuzz then fired a bolt of lightning from the tips of his antennae and its heading straight for Monferno!

'Monferno, Counter Shield!' Ash commanded.

Monferno then created several fire whips around the Flame Wheel by using Flamethrower as well. The fire whips then neutralized Electabuzz's Thunder attack before causing a mid-air explosion. The Flame Wheel then passed the smoke and landed a hit on Electabuzz, sending the humanoid Electric-type backwards.

'Now Monferno! Mach Punch!'

'Electabuzz. Protect!'

Monferno's right hand glowed white, before running at a fast speed towards Electabuzz, but Electabuzz formed a green barrier all around himself. As a result, Monferno Mach Punched the barrier.

'Electabuzz! Thunder!'

Electabuzz then quickly fired a bolt of lightning from the tips of his antennae which hit Monferno at a close range, shocking Monferno while also sending the Playful Pokemon flying.

Ash vs paul lake acuity full battle english subtitles

Monferno then landed on the ground, but sparks of electricity surrounded his body and damaged him. Monferno now has Paralysis as a status ailment.

'Come on Monferno! Let's finish this!' said Ash.


'Flamethrower!' Ash commanded.

'Thunder!' Paul shouted.

Monferno then fired a stream of flame from his mouth, while Electabuzz fired a bolt of lightning from the tips of his antennae. The attacks collided, before resulting in a massive explosion that covered the entire field.

The dust then cleared. It showed Electabuzz and Monferno staring at each other. Both Pokemon were heavily damaged.

It was very quiet. Monferno and Electabuzz stared at each other for what it seems like eternity. Their trainers, Ash and Paul were staring at each other as well. But then, Electabuzz came to break the silent with a soft thump.

Ash Vs Paul Lake Acuity Full Battle English

Electabuzz was down and out. Monferno had won, and gave his trainer the victory.

Ash Vs Paul Lake Acuity Full Battle English

'Electabuz is unable to battle! Monferno wins! With Paul having no more Pokemon to battle with, then the victor is Ash Ketchum from Pallet Town!' the referee declared.

Ash then happily ran towards his Monferno and gave him a hug. 'We did it Monferno!' Ash happily told him while hugging him.


Team Rocket cried with tears of joy on how well Monferno did in battling Paul's Pokemon, while Dawn, Brock and Piplup ran over to Ash to join the happy trainer and the two happy pokemon: that is Pikachu and Monferno.

Paul merely returned his Electabuzz, before walking towards Regie, who was still sitting, watching Ash's group celebrate in victory, while smiling. He then looked up to Paul.

'So, did you enjoy the battle?' Reggie asked.

Then for the first time, Paul smiled with the words: 'It was indeed a spectacular one.'

Just then, Ash, Pikachu, Monferno and the gang walked over to them.

'Thanks for arranging this battle Reggie. It was amazing.' Ash said. His Pokemon agreed.

'No problem. But we have to go now. After a trip to the Pokemon Center and a little talk with our referee and the controllers of the scorevoard., that is.' said Regie. Ash then looked to Paul.

'Hey. Nice Battle.' Ash said, before raising his hand for a handshake, which Paul took.

'Congrats.' He said. 'Good luck in the Sinnoh League.' He added. Ash and Paul smiled. Ash and his friends walked away to the Acuity Pokemon Center. Ash was still grinning widely.

Because he had won a victory against Paul. It was a better victory than a Gym Leader Win, a Pokemon battle Win and even a better victory than he had with his other rivals like Gary Oak. It was his sweet victory.

It was one of his sweetest victories...


And its all over! Hooray! Hooray! Hurrah!

Now...that its all over...i am going to continue with my other businesses with Fanfiction and my Life.

So bye bye!
