How To Backside Disaster
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- How To Backside Disaster Recovery
How Can I Cost-Effectively Back Up My Data And Provide For Disaster Recovery?
Natural disasters have added an extra layer of mayhem in a year that the country is already reeling from the COVID-19 pandemic. From devastating wildfires in the West, to deadly hurricanes in. 16th June 2014 The backside disaster is a classic trick that gives massive satisfaction, no matter how many times you do it. The main thing to remember with this one is to use more of a scooping motion when you pop, rather than the straightforward ollie technique needed for the frontside disaster. Here's how you can give back after a natural disaster and why you should travel there anyway. Find a local organisation to support If you're on the ground when disaster strikes and want to help, seek out international aid organisations. Approach UNICEF or the Red Cross and find out if you can volunteer or donate anything they might need. For a Backside Disaster you’re leading in with the front shoulder, this time dip in towards the coping rather than away from the coping. When you see your front wheels approaching the coping, turn your shoulder backside, away from the coping, pop a little ollie, swing your back leg.
In the past, devastating ice and snowstorms kept businesses in and around Boston closed for days. This often resulted in lost revenue, work that piled up as high as snowdrifts, missed deadlines and unhappy customers. But, today with a Business Continuity Solution that includes a Backup & Disaster Recovery Plan (BDR) with the ability to store your data and IT assets securely in the Cloud, you can keep you and your staff working productively from anywhere you have internet access at an affordable price.
Why Is Data Backup and Disaster Recovery Planning Important?

Depending on the location and nature of your business, your operations may be vulnerable to any number of natural disasters such as wind and snow storms that down trees and power lines. Or, a simple accidental deletion of data by one of your employees can put your business in a precarious position. Plus, don’t forget about the continually increasing cyber attacks that hold business data for a ransom. For all these reasons and more, you need a Backup and Disaster Recovery Plan.

What’s Included In a Proper Data Backup and Disaster Recovery Plan?
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A good Business Continuity Solution starts with a BDR— Successful backups are the backbone of business continuity.
A plan for the backup and restoration of your data is essential. For a proper BDR, your IT service company will evaluate your current backup and recovery procedures and provide you with a detailed report of their findings. The next step is to ensure that your data is backed up to a secure offsite data center every day and that your backups are tested to make sure they are always recoverable from a recent point in time.
Regular monitoring and testing of your backup documents gaps and errors and remediates them to prevent the possibility of failed backups that keep you from staying operational. It guarantees that you will always have access to your data.
Taking your backup one step further, your IT service company will show you how to leverage the full power of the Cloud so your staff can continue working from anywhere they can access the Internet.
What Does Data Backup and Disaster Recovery Mean?
Backup and Disaster Recovery identifies critical IT systems and networks with Recovery Point Objectives (RPO) and Recovery Time Objectives (RTO). These are two of the most important parameters of your BDR and will help you choose the right steps to take.
The Recovery Time Objective (RTO) is the amount of time it takes for your business processes to be restored after a disaster to avoid unacceptable consequences. The RTO answers this question: “How much time did it take to recover a business process that was disrupted.”

RPO measures your company’s loss tolerance or the amount of data that can be lost before significant harm to your business occurs. RPO is a time measurement from the loss event to the most recent preceding backup.
With the RPO/RTO, and a business impact analysis, you can identify what you need to include in your business continuity plan. Your plan should include the steps you must take to resume business operations to meet your RPO/RTO. The data backup plan should at least minimize any adverse effects on your business operations.
What Can Happen If I Don’t Have A Backup & Disaster Recovery Plan?
If you don’t have a BDR and you lose your critical data, and you may have to close your doors. Why? Because:
- You’ll have to start over and re-enter all the data you lost. This takes time and costs money.
- Without the data they need, your employees can’t complete their required tasks.
- If you must comply with industry or government regulations and you can’t replicate your data for an audit, you could be penalized.
- If you lose your clients’ data, you could be taken to court.
The National Cyber Security Alliance found that 60 percent of small companies go out of business within six months of a data loss.
How Can We Cost Effectively Back Up Our Data?
Backing up your data to an enterprise-based cloud backup is the cost-effective way to go.
In the future, more businesses are expected to use the Cloud to back up data. According to statistics, 78 percent of small businesses will back up their data on the Cloud by 2020.
For example, if you have 1,000 gigabytes of data to back up, you’ll probably pay about $4 per month for cloud storage. Pricing starts at around $0.004 per gigabyte per month for cloud storage.
If you chose instead to back up the data to an on-premise location, you’d pay about $50 for a hard disk with 1,000 gigabytes of storage space. Then you’ll want to purchase multiple disks for redundancy, so now this cost goes up to about $150. At this cost, it would take you nearly three years to recover this cost compared to the $4 a month.
Plus, if your office is damaged by flooding, fire, etc., your hard disks and stored data could be destroyed. Now you’re back to where you would have been if you didn’t back up your data.
All the more reason why an enterprise-based cloud backup is more cost effective.
In Conclusion
As you can see, the benefits of backing up to the Cloud are numerous. Cloud backup costs are lower than using an on-premise backup infrastructure. And cloud data offers higher levels of availability and is easier to access than data stored onsite.
We can explain this in more detail. Contact Radius Executive IT Solutions in Stoneham, MA.
Stronger hurricanes, heavier and longer rains, raging wildfires. Natural disasters seem to be happening more often, but the loss of life is, of course, much more important than any other aspect of our home or business. While it currently seems that businesses and our economy have more than enough to deal with during COVID-19, natural disasters can wreak havoc on your business at any time, especially when they destroy vital paper tax records and documentation.
Although substantiating casualty-loss deductions after a disaster became tougher under 2017’s Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, reconstructing records after a disaster is important for many reasons. You’ll not only need detailed records to file your taxes, but also to file claims for insurance reimbursement. In some cases, you’ll also need them for proof of disaster-related losses, if you’re seeking recovery assistance through loans and grants.

How to reconstruct your records
First, document the disaster. Courts have taken a dim view of taxpayers who claimed losses in disasters, yet never filed a claim verifying that the disaster occurred. One of the best ways to document a disaster is to file an insurance claim.
Second, reconstruct your records. Even if they aren’t precise, putting the pieces together will go a long way toward verifying your good faith to comply with various filing requirements.
How To Backside Disaster Preparedness
Tax records. You can get free transcripts of individual tax returns using Get Transcript on A transcript summarizes return information, includes adjusted gross income, and is available for the most current tax year after the IRS has processed the return. Generally, transcripts are available for the past three years. Transcripts will not, however, provide state or local tax information.
Online is the fastest way to get a transcript; you should receive the document in 10 business days from when the IRS gets your request.
A copy of an actual return takes longer. You can request one by filing IRS Form 4506. In order to assist with reconstructing tax records, the IRS recommends that you request your federal return information for the four previous years.
Financial statements. If you’re using your bookkeeping software properly, obtaining financial statements should be a no-brainer, thanks to the cloud. Even desktop products now back up to the cloud if they are properly set up.
Vehicles. Car owners can research the current fair-market value for most vehicles. Resources include Kelley’s Blue Book, the National Automobile Dealers Association and Edmunds.
Property records. Contact the company or bank that handled the purchase of the property. For inherited property, taxpayers can check court records for probate values; if a trust or estate existed, taxpayers can contact the attorney who handled the trust. When no other records are available, check your county assessor’s office for old records that might address the value of the property.
How To Backside Disaster Photos
Reconstructing records of the value of some business property sometimes involves verifying purchase costs. If you made improvements to your property, for example, the contractors who did the labor might be able to provide statements to verify the work and cost. Your mortgage company can also help verify the cost or fair market value, as well as provide records on appraisals performed on your property.
Inventory. Whether you operate a brick-and-mortar or 100% online business, chances are good that you had some kind of inventory, and now some of it may be gone or even under water. Don’t fret! Again, your accounting software should be able to help, as long as you use it or an integrated app to track inventory. In addition, the value of lost inventory can be verified with copies of invoices from suppliers, dating back at least one year. For capital expense items, office equipment and supplies, old credit card receipts and retailers’ current price lists can help verify value.
With property and vehicles, take photographs to establish the extent of damage. Before a disaster, another good method to reconstruct records of property, including office equipment, is to draw pictures of each room, showing placement of furniture and items on shelves and in drawers, including equipment and inventories. Outside your building, list shrubs, parking, signs, awnings and anything else of value that needs to be replaced.
Filing relief: Time could be on your side
The IRS and other agencies understand that a disaster can set you and your business back for months, if not longer. So, you may find yourself with a little extra time to reconstruct records. As emergencies are declared by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), the IRS, for example, keeps careful track of disasters that affect taxpayers, and frequently offers filing and payment relief designated by state and county. For example, the IRS recently granted relief for taxpayers affected by Hurricanes Sally and Laura; Tropical Storm Isaias; wildfires in California and Oregon; storms in Michigan, Tennessee and South Carolina; and an earthquake in Utah.
Such relief usually postpones some filing deadlines, but not always payment, for estimated taxes, quarterly payroll, excise tax returns and, in some cases, penalties. Yet, not every location hit by a disaster eventually qualifies as a federally declared disaster area.
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For more information, here is a short list of resources:
How To Backside Disaster Recovery
- IRS Disaster Assistance Hotline – (866) 562-5227.
- Visit and search for “disaster” for more information about reconstructing records.
- Government regulations on loss of records.