Mac Os El Capitan Patcher Tool
This project is a new and updated branch of the Yosemite tree and is targetted at OS X 10.11 El Capitan with SIP support, automatic installer detection and fake board-id injection for unsupported models of the MacPro and MacBook Pro.
- Macos El Capitan Patcher.dmg Download Jun 13, 2016 MacPro1,1 and 2,1 can run OS X El Capitan with the methods noted in the spoiler below, but are currently not supported by macOS Sierra due to a lack of SSE 4 support (the CPU can be upgraded but its firmware does not support newer SSE 4.
- On a Mac that is compatible with El Capitan, open the disk image and run the installer within, named InstallMacOSX.pkg. It installs an app named Install OS X El Capitan into your Applications folder. You will create the bootable installer from this app, not from the disk image or.pkg installer. Use the 'createinstallmedia' command in Terminal.
All downloads of boot.efi should be done from this project page. All other sources are unsupported.
3 thoughts on “ fixed: install OSX 10.11 ElCapitan on unsupported Macs ” TopHatProductions115 on at 17:55 said: Sounds like a plan – I’ll see if I can get my black Macbook 4,1 to run in style!
Download your copy of the prebuild (32-bit) version of boot.efi for El Capitan (compiled on Microsoft Windows 10 with Microsoft Visual Studio 2015) with a black background and white Apple logo now, and verify the download by entering (either one) in a terminal window:
Or download the one for legacy hardware, with a grey background and logo for your Mac Pro and verify the download by entering (either one) in a terminal window:
Note: If the output is different, then your copy of boot.efi should not be used!

Don't want a prebuilt copy of boot.efi then compile the source code yourself, with either Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 or 2015. The latter requires you to update the solution files, but that should be done automatically in the MS Visual Studio IDE.
Note: See also Compiling-Instructions
Thanks To
This project would not have been possible without the help of Peter Holbrook, Mike Boss and a number of other people. Peter did all compiling and Mike ran dozens of test builds that Peter pushed out over at Awesome work guys. Job well done!
I'd also like to thank everyone else whoh helped with testing our nightly builds. Thank you so much!
If you need help with the setup then please visit this macrumor thread. Developers, or people who need help with compiling boot.efi themself, can visit this macrumors developer thread.
Note: I myself don't own any unsupported Apple hardware with a 32-bit EFI implementation, so I can probably do not much for you, but there may be others to help you.
Bugs can be reported here
Note: Please provide a clear step by step procedure to reproduce the bug. Thanks.
My work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License and as such you must add a link to this license. Even if you only use a download link. Also note the term 'NonCommercial' because I don't want to see my work end up anywhere else but here.
Note: 'Tiamo' released his work under a BSD-3-Clause license

Copyright (c) 2014-2016, by Pike R. Alpha – All right reserved.
Mac patch management involves managing your macOS endpoints by gathering a complete list of all the missing patches through a scan, downloading the missing patches, testing them in non-production machines, and finally rolling them out into the production environment for deployment. Patching your Mac devices enhances the security level of your macOS environment.
Patching MacOS machines with Patch Manager Plus.
The use of Mac operating systems in enterprises has been growing at a faster rate in recent years. With limited manpower, IT teams find it a challenge to patch all Mac security updates and third-party updates manually. This highlights the need for a Mac patch management tool.
Patch Manager Plus detects Mac OSes that require a patch to fix a vulnerability and groups the patches by severity ranging from critical to low. With Patch Manager Plus, you can quickly assess the health of your IT environment by glancing at the System Health Policy. You can patch critical vulnerabilities either through Manual Deployment or by using the Automate Patch Deployment feature.
Supported MacOS versions.
Patch Manager Plus supports patch management for the following versions of macOS:
- OS X 10.6 - Snow Leopard
- OS X 10.7 - Lion
- OS X 10.8 - Mountain Lion
- OS X 10.9 - Mavericks
- OS X 10.10 - Yosemite
- OS X 10.11 - El Capitan
- OS X 10.12 - Sierra
- OS X 10.13 - High Sierra
- OS X 10.14 - Mojave
- OS X 10.15 - Catalina
- OS X 11.0 - Big Sur
What are the strategies involved in Mac Patch Management?
You can patch your Mac machines either by deploying patches manually or by automating this process using a patch management solution.
How to manually patch your Mac systems?
You can deploy patches manually to your Mac machines by going to the App Store and checking for new updates. If your computer is updated to the latest version of macOS, the store will display a message telling you that your computer is up-to-date. If there are any missing updates, you'll get a pop-up asking if you would like to install the updates now.
You can choose the option that best suits you. Please note that when you want to download third-party updates for Mac, you have two ways of doing it:
- Either download the third-party updates manually whenever they're released.
- Enable Automatic Updates for each application, so that when updates are available they'll automatically be downloaded. This, however, may consume a lot of bandwidth, which could deteriorate your network's efficiency.
Why do you need an Automated Mac patch management software?
Mac Os Mojave Patcher Tool
Manual deployment can often be tedious, error-prone, and time-consuming. For example, let's say you have 1,000 systems in your network and a patch needs to be downloaded for every computer. Can you imagine the bandwidth this would consume? This is where automation comes in handy.
Patch Manager Plus is a software patching tool that offers complete automation with its Automate Patch Deployment (APD) feature.
How does this Automated Mac patch management software work?
Patch Manager Plus provides unified, real-time visibility, management, and deployment of patches to all Mac endpoints from a single console. This Mac patch management software provides you with a complete list of inventories on the missing patches, and it allows you to decide how and when you wish to deploy them with the deployment policies feature. So, you can customize deployment based on what works best for you. By providing complete automation, your Mac clients can stay up-to-date with the latest Mac security updates for macOS and applications.
To patch your Mac machines:
Mac Os El Capitan Patcher Tool For Unsupported Macs
- Schedule a patch scan - First, go to the Patch Manager Plus console and navigate to Systems > Scan Systems to scan for missing patches in your network.
- Choose deployment policies - Based on the severity of the missing patches, prioritize missing patches with an important or critical severity level. You can patch your machines through either one of these two methods:
- Manual deployment by creating a patch configuration.
- The Automate Patch Deployment feature if you want the patching process to be completely automated. You should approve these patches first, allowing the APD feature to patch your machines in the next available deployment window.
- Test and approve- You should always test patches before rolling them out to the production environment. For patches that are low or moderate in severity, you'll have time to test those patches in a non-production environment. If they don't cause any problems post-deployment, then they can be rolled out to the production environment.
- Patch/system reports - In the Patch Manager Plus console, go to Reports > System Health Report to see how your systems are performing post-deployment. The predefined patch management reports show you the patch status of your systems among other things, allowing you to quickly ascertain the security of your network. Explore a fully-featured online demo of our patch management software. This demo version gives you insights on the different modules of our patching tool.
- Compliance. Every IT organization dreams of achieving 100 percent patch compliance in their networks. This can be achieved by compliance management, which involves checking the health status of your systems, patching them, and finally analyzing the patch compliance report to check if you've reached your goal.
- Centralized patch management. Patch Manager Plus help you manage multiple Macs and iOS devices, all from a central point of control, providing your end users with greater visibility.
- Precise reporting. Powerful reports are just a click away. Streamline everything you need to know about your patch status, and gain insights on your day-to-day patching tasks, so you can prevent a successful cyberattack.
What are the benefits of Mac patch management using Patch Manager Plus?
Some of the benefits of using Patch Manager Plus are:
View the full list of Mac applications supported by Patch Manager Plus.