Rome Total War Cheats Traits

The best place to get cheats, codes, cheat codes, walkthrough, guide, FAQ, unlockables, tricks, and secrets for PC. Rome: Total War. Strategy Guide/Walkthrough/FAQ. Toggle fog of war: togglefow: Give character the trait at indicated level: givetrait character trait. Rome Total War - Barbarian Invasion Cheat Codes: - Update by:dannyel Submitted by: conner54 While playing, press (tilde) to bring down the console, then type any of the following codes: Code Result - bestbuy - Units are 10% cheaper. Jericho - Walls will crumble. Addmoney # - Add money. Addpopulation Y X - Adds population, where Y is the settlement name and X is the.

Gerald from Pooh's RTW Trait and Ancillary Database has agreed to let us host his files that detail all the Traits and Ancillaries in Rome: Total War. We'll try to keep up with the updates he makes but you'll always find the most recent version at his site.

You can download the zip that contains all the files and a read-me here.

And of course, why and who would want to use the files? I'll quote Gerald himself on this:

Who should use these files? Certainly not the newbie, or the beginner to the game. These files are for those who have questions like: 'Is Austere a good or bad trait to have?'
  • 'Which is better for my general - to stay in a city, or to walk around the wilderness?'
  • 'Which is better for my general - to stay in a city with city plumbing, or with a governor's house?'
  • 'Does my governor get a trait increase if I build a market, academy, or a port?'
  • 'Does the temple of Bacchus, Ceres, or Jupiter produce better traits and ancillaries?'
  • 'How do I get an oracle or mathematician?'
The data in the files has already been processed, calculated and sorted. You won't find information like 'What is the effect of a level in GoodCommander' - for questions like that, you will have to open up export_descr_character_traits.txt and look for it directly. Granted, I have included some descriptions and information, but bewarned - a lot of it is summarised, which explains why you will see numbers like 'Command : +0.6 / level' - in order to make meaningful comparisons, a single weighted number has to be used. You will find more details in the readme*.txt files if you're inclined.Enjoy the files!

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Rome total war cheats traits

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These are the known working cheats for Rome: Total War. If you know of some not mentioned that work send them here. To enter them, press the button directly below Esc on your keyboard (usually ` or ~) during gameplay to access the console. A translucent black box called RomeShell should appear across the top half of your screen.

bestbuyTraining units costs 10% less in campaign mode.
oliphauntGives player unit of giant 'Yubtseb' elephants in selected army or settlement.
toggle_fowToggles Fog of War on and off.
add_money <number> Gives player up to 40,000 denarii. (Example: add_money 40000)
add_population <city name> <number>Increases population of named settlement by up to 4,000. (Example: add_population Carthage 4000). If you enter a negative number (Example: -4000) it will reduce the population of the settlement instead.
auto_win <attacker/defender>Automatically wins the battle for the attacker or defender. Enter before auto-deciding a battle. Example: auto_win attacker)
give_trait <character> <trait> <level number>Allows you to give any trait your faction can have to a specific general. Generals with two words in their name must have theirfull name contained in parenthesis, and have spaces (not underscores) between words. Example: give_trait 'Quintus Brutus' Drink 1
process_cq <city name>Instantly completes all buildings in queue in specified city. (Example: process_cq Carthage)
create_unit <settlement/captain/general> <'unit type'> <amount> <experience><weapon upgrade> <armor upgrade>Create any unit that your Faction can use (max amount of 5 Units, 9 Experience, 3 Armor/Weapon). The unit type must be the name in the Type fieldof Export_Descr_Unit.txt
jerichoDestroys walls as artillery does. Often must be done several times to make a breach.
move_character <Z> <X,Y>Moves character to location, where Z is character name and X Y are coordinates.
force_diplomacy <accept / decline>When negotiating with an AI faction, entering this code will force them to either accept or decline your proposal. Example: force_diplomacy accept
invulnerable_general <name>General specified is invulnerable. (Example: invulnerable_general Tigranes)
season <summer/winter>Changes season to that specified. (Example season summer)
show_cursorstatWhen on the Campaign Map, enter this code, then press the Enter key. It will give you the x,y coordinates of the spot your mouse is hovering over. Useful for modding and in conjunction with the move_character code.
surrender_regions The specified faction is removed from the campaign, most of its units disband and everything else turns rebel. The internal names of the factions are: romans_julii, romans_brutii, romans_scipii, romans_senate, gauls, britons, germans, spain, dacia, scythia, thrace, greek_cities, macedon, seleucid, egypt, numidia, carthage, parthia, pontus, and armenia. You cannot remove the Rebels from the game in this way; and yes, you can remove your own faction resulting in an automatic defeat.
Rome Total War Cheats Traits

Any settlements with multiple names must have each separated by an underscore. For example, Carthago Nova would be 'Carthago_Nova'. Please note that not all the cheats consistently work; for instance, force_diplomacy works occasionally, but at other times does not. There is no known solution but to keep trying at intervals. We are not responsible if cheats ruin your game.

Copyright © 1997–2020 HeavenGames LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Rome Total War 2 Console Commands

The graphical images and content enclosed with this document are viewable for private use only. All other rights - including, but not limited to, distribution, duplication, and publish by any means - are retained by HeavenGames LLC. Federal law provides criminal and civil penalties for those found to be in violation. Rome: Total War is a game by Creative Assembly and published by Sega (originally Activision). This site is not endorsed by the Creative Assembly or Sega. Please Read.

Rome Total War Cheats Traits

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