Valyrian Names List

The 20 months wait has finally come to an end as the latest episode of the Game of Thrones graced our screens — the longest wait GOT fans had to endure for a new season since its debut. What about GOT’s High Valyrian language?
With John Snow and Daenerys Targaryen now united with the rest of the Stark clan in Winterfell, and Jon Snow finally having been confirmed as half-Targaryen, now is a good time as any to brush up on some phrases in High Valyrian — the mother tongue of the Targaryens!
High Valyrian Phrases that Every Game of Thrones Fan Must Know:
Rytsas – Hello
- The blade was given its name, Oathkeeper, at that time. Red Rain, the sword of House Drumm, which was stolen by them in a raid. Given the name and coloring, possibly the ancestral sword of House Reyne. Widow's Wail, one of two Valyrian blades reforged by Tobho Mott from Ice.
- Game of Thrones dragon names. Like Vhagar, Meraxes was named for an Old Valyrian god. She was the chosen mount of Aegon’s second sister-wife, Rhaenys Targaryen. Large enough to swallow a.
Blood Sword: The common name of the Sword of Life in Oliver Johnson and Dave Morris’ gamebook series of the same name. The sword is key to the arrival of paradise on Judgement Day. Brightroar: The ancestral Valyrian steel greatsword of House Lannister in Game of Thrones. Lost after Tommen II Lannister went missing during an expedition. Concerning Valyrian names, we have ⟨Aegon⟩, ⟨Aeron⟩, ⟨Aerion⟩, and ⟨Daenerys⟩, which are pronounced /ˈeɪɡɔn/, /ˈɛəɹən/, /ˈɑɹiɒn/, and /dəˈnɛəɹɪs/, respectively. If we just look at how the digraph ⟨ae⟩ is pronounced in each of them, we have four totally different pronunciations: eɪ, ɛə, ɑ, and ə.

Kessa – Yes
Daor – No

Kirimvose – Thank you
Kostilus – Please, perhaps
Valyrian Names Generator
Geros ilas – Goodbye
Valar morghulis – All men must die
Valar dohaeris – All men must serve
Dovaogēdy – an Unsullied
Kelītīs – Halt (order)
Dracarys – dragon-fire
Muña Zaldrizoti – Mother of Dragons
Valyrio muño ēngos ñuhys issa – Valyrian is my mother tongue
Skoros morghot vestri? – What do we say to death?
Tubī daor – Not today
Bantis zōbrie issa se ossȳngnoti lēdys – The night is dark and full of terrors
Avy jorrāelan – I love you
If you are a fan of Game of Thrones, check to see if you recognize these Dothraki phrases from the show.
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The reason Valyrian Name Generator - Game Of Thrones (ASoIaF) was created because it is so hard to thinking of some cool Got Valyrian Names! The task of thinking up Got Valyrian Names can be quite monotonous, time wasting and boring, but with Valyrian Name Generator - Game Of Thrones (ASoIaF) tool, I hope the task is made easier for you.
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Valyrian Surnames

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Valyrian Boy Names List

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