Vb6tmpl Tlb
After installing VB6 successfully on my Windows 8.1 64bit pc, whenever i am trying to open my .vbp
project file it gives me an error can't find DAO350.dll file
. Googled for every possible solution but couldn't find one.
Please help me.
How to install Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 Enterprise Edition on Windows 10 64-bit operating system. Thanks to Microsoft, to appreciate and the importance. FULL Vb6tmpl Tlb Free Download- LIVER & COLON DETOX FORUM This page uses frames, but your browser doesn't support them. Involute splines - MITCalc Page 21/27. Vb6tmpl Tlb Free Download.rar. Vb6tmpl Tlb Free Download.rar Kinderspiele.1992.FULL.Version.Download.Bared. Dn izle, Dn trke altyazl full hd izle - van ve Andrey babalarnn kendilerini terketmesi zerine hayata birbirlerine sahip karak. MidwayUSA is a privately held American retailer of various hunting and outdoor-related products.
There is a Microsoft Support post dealing with this. The gist is you need to uninstall and reinstall to fix a missing or mis-registered type library. A missing or mis-registered type library key for VB6.olb would indicate an improper setup of Visual Basic. Bibliocad Vip Account Hack DOWNLOAD 7b042e0984 Found,6,results,for,Bibliocad,Free,Vip.
[UPDATE1]: It looks something like this
The DA0350.dll must be registered. Try this:
On the Visual Basic 6.0 CD (or whatever your installation source is), locate the Dao350.dll file, and then copy it to the directory c:program filescommon filesmicrosoft sharedDAO. (The Dao350.dll file is located in the ossystem folder on the Visual Basic 6.0 CD.)
To register this file, click Start, click Run, and then type or paste the following line:
Regsvr32 'c:program filescommon filesmicrosoft sharedDAODao350.dll'
The VB6TMPL.TLB is probably not installed for your current user. Try to run Visual Basic as administrator and/or try this: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/262976/en-us
How can i import windows.media.capture in my WPF project?
Finally I've done developing app for windows 8.1 Table in Windows 7 x64 and want to share some experience that i had in here. Steps : Edit .csproject in wpf app (Add <TargetPlatformVersion>8.1</TargetPlatformVersion> Inside <PropertyGroup> ) Add 'Windows' library Reference Load some .Net Framework 4 Library (System.Runtime.dll,System.Runtime.WindowsRuntime.dll, System.Runtime.InteropServices.WindowsRuntime.dll,System.Threading and System.Threading.Task..
how to set focus to a SearchBox control in windows 8.1 store app?
My problem is solved the problem was in XAML hierarchy that was <Grid> <Button/> <SearchBox/> <Hub/> </Grid> I had a Grid in that i had a Button-for removing focus from Searchbox when app is launched, then I had the Searchbox and after that I had a Hub. As Hub covers..
Background color part of textbox
May be following option can helps you. You can use RitchTextBox, since in WindowsPhone RitchTextBox is read only (as an TextBlock). My quick sample :) : <RichTextBox> <Paragraph> Some textSome textSome textSome textSome <Span Foreground='#FF0E0E0E'>textSome textSome textSome</Span> textSome textSome textSome textSome textSome textSome textSome textSome textSome textSome textSome textSome textSome..
Can't get an error in VB6 on Windows 7 while I can on Windows Xp
I find the solution. I have to use 'Clear' to explicitly clear the Err object after treatment of an error, and then when I want to close the 'selection folder box' the program close it correctly on Windows XP and on Windows 7. So if you use On Error GoTo..
How can I bind Pushpin location in WPF using MVVM?
Bing Maps uses the attached property MapLayer.Position for positioning elements on the map. Given a view model with a property of type Location public class ViewModel : INotifyPropertyChanged { private Location location; public Location Location { get { return location; } set { location = value; OnPropertyChanged('Location'); } } ...
InnoSetup - while compiling sign tool failed with exit code 0x1
Just remove the extension from rarfile, make it to just 'chrome64', with a batch script rename it while setup the files. In innosetup [Run] Filename: '{app}rename.bat' In rename.bat: @ECHO OFF ren Chrome64 Chrome64.rar del rename.bat I'm just removed the extension from Chrome.exe, and with batch rename it back to exe..
If statement not working in vb6
Your Mid() statement is wrong. The third parameter needs to be length - 1 instead of length + 1 to strip off the null terminator: title = Mid(title, 1, length - 1) Since you are not stripping the null terminator, your title variable does not actually contain 'Personalization' by itself,..
navigating between pages using radio buttons in winrt
You need to cast _contentFrame, not _contentFrame.Content. var _frame = contentframe as Frame; ..
Set vb6 form to instance of a hardcoded form
The best solution for this is using what Bob77 said and applying it to the form. When loading Form1 using the Forms.Add('Form1') method if you were to implement Set Form1 = Me in Form_Load it will now set the reference of Me to be Form1 so that when you made..
Windows 10 FIle query issues
Windows 10 is still under work. The latest build on the phone resolved this issue.
How to convert vb6 'vbFromUnicode' to string in C#
This is a conversion of a Unicode string to an Ansi string, by system default code page. StrConv(strTemp , vbFromUnicode) In C#, you need to found out the default code page by ANSICodePage from current culture int codepage = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.TextInfo.ANSICodePage; byte[] convertedBytes = Encoding.GetEncoding(codepage).GetBytes(unicodeString); string convertedAsciiString = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(convertedBytes); ..
How do you calculate pixel size of string?
I think you need to create a textblock in code and assign the desired text to it. Then you can get the actual height and width from it. See the below code TextBlock txt=new TextBlock(); //set additional properties of textblock here . Such as font size,font family, width etc. txt.Text..
Compare items in an Array to items in a Variant in VB6
This really isn't a Variant problem, it's just a looping/control variable issue. Even though you have your DIM statement inside your main loop, VB does not treat that as a 'redeclaration' and reset/reinitialize its value before your UNTIL loop. As a result, 'i' will increment to 1 and then retain..
Change parameters On error in vb6
Don't use errors to control the flow of the logic, instead look at all the available names and select the one you want: Function GetBestMatchingSheet() As Worksheet For Each GetBestMatchingSheet In ActiveWorkbook.Sheets Select Case LCase$(GetBestMatchingSheet.Name) Case 'typical sheet name', 'secondary sheet name', 'third name' Exit Function End Select Set GetBestMatchingSheet..
How to split text with HTML tags to array
You may achieve this using following code string value = @'Lorem Ipsum is <b>simply dummy</b> text of the printing and <b>typesetting industry</b>'; var parts = Regex.Split(value, @'(<b>[sS]+?</b>)').Where(l => l != string.Empty).ToArray(); ..
Unable to resolve property '%1' while processing properties for Uid '%0'
It is unclear what 'SomeRandomKey' is in your example, and what you are trying to achieve with it. But this exception is thrown because TextBlocks don't have a SomeRandomKey property. They have Text, Width, but definitely not 'SomeRandomKey'. Just remove it.
Change DataGrid cell value in VB6
The technology (VB6) is indeed very old; you can try something like Sub AddSymbol() For i = 1 To DataGrid1.Rows If DataGrid1.Item(i, 2) = 1 Then DataGrid1.Item(i, 2) = '*' Next i End Sub where quantity is stored in the second column of DataGrid1 control. Hope this may help..
Convert 10009335357561071 to hex string
I was able to code it myself. Because of the vb6 limitations of the size of a number, I had to go about it in different ways. I needed this to be able to covert VERY LARGE WHOLE numbers to Binary and Hexadecimal. This this code, there are three functions..
how to populate an array using anither?
Try the following example project: Option Explicit Private Sub Form_Click() Dim intIndex As Integer Dim intSrc(10) As Integer Dim intResult() As Integer 'fill source array with some etxt values For intIndex = 0 To UBound(intSrc) intSrc(intIndex) = intIndex * intIndex Next intIndex 'fill resulting array with subset 3 to 7..
Negate a specific group in regular expressions
You can use the regex in a negative look-ahead and then add a w shorthand class to match alphanumeric symbols, or [a-zA-Z] with b word boundaries: (?![0-9-+*/()x]|abs|pow|ln|pi|e|a?(?:sin|cos|tan)h?)b[a-zA-Z]+b See regex demo Since we are only allowing letters with [a-zA-Z], we can reduce this further to (?!x|abs|pow|ln|pi|e|a?(?:sin|cos|tan)h?)b[a-zA-Z]+b See another demo..
socket opening on WIndows 2012 extremely slow
I ended up finding the answer to this after some extensive digging. Starting in Windows Server 2012, Microsoft has enabled an extension of TCP called Explicit Congestion Notification (ECN). This allows end-to-end notification of network congestion with the loss of packets. The way this is enabled on a TCP packet..
Team Foundation 2012 not recognising changes in vb6 app
If you don't want to specifically check-out files (or use an editor that does it for you like VS), then you should switch to using a local workspace. In source control explorer dropdown the workspaces dialog and change the settings from Server -> Local.
Regular Expression for whole world
You can use: Publics+Consts+g(?<Name>[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*)s+=s+(?<Value>False|True) demo ..
Checking for updates to Windows Store apps from within the application
There is not a documented API for querying the Windows Store to get the version of the application. I'd suggest to achieve a similar result, place a file containing this information on a public web server and query it from your Windows application instead. Any time you push an update..
Need code for removing all unicode characters in vb6
If this is UTF-16 text (as normal VB6 String values all are) and you can ignore the issue of surrogate pairs, then this is fairly quick and reasonably concise: Private Sub DeleteNonAscii(ByRef Text As String) Dim I As Long Dim J As Long Dim Char As String I = 1..
SQL query to return maximum values from multiple columns
SELECT Customers.CustID, CustName, MaxInvoiceTotal, MaxDiscount FROM Customers INNER JOIN Interesting ON Customers.CustID = Interesting.CustID INNER JOIN (SELECT CustID, MAX(Discount) AS MaxDiscount FROM Orders Group by CustID) MaxDiscountOrders ON Customers.CustID = MaxDiscountOrders.CustID INNER JOIN (SELECT CustID, MAX(InvoiceTotal) AS MaxInvoiceTotal FROM Orders Group by CustID) MaxInvoiceTotalOrders ON Customers.CustID = MaxInvoiceTotalOrders.CustID WHERE CustID..
Passing a reference to template function call operator overload
That's because in your case the cv-qualifiers and the reference-ness of the parameter are discarded when performing template type deduction. Pass via a std::ref wrapper instead t(std::ref(i)); Simple example: #include <iostream> #include <functional> template<typename T> void f(T param) { ++param; } int main() { int i = 0; f(std::ref(i)); std::cout..
VBS - how to run two browser one is full screen and another is minimised?
Don't use Shell.Application, use the Run method of WScript.Shell. Here I assume that chrome.exe is either on the path or in the current working directory: Option Explicit With CreateObject('WScript.Shell') Call .Run('chrome.exe www.icanhazip.com', 6, false) Call .Run('chrome.exe --kiosk www.stackoverflow.com', 1, false) End With The second parameter is the window style. Documentation..
GetWindowsDirectory() API returns wrong (vbavb6)
The behavior you are observing is documented. See the Remarks section for GetWindowsDirectory: Terminal Services: If the application is running in a Terminal Services environment, each user has a private Windows directory. There is also a shared Windows directory for the system. If the application is Terminal-Services-aware (has the IMAGE_DLLCHARACTERISTICS_TERMINAL_SERVER_AWARE..
ResolutionScale vs RawPixelsPerViewPixel on Windows Phone 8.1
دانلود فایل Vb6tmpl.tlb
ResolutionScale is deprecated; always use RawPixelsPerViewPixel for Windows Phone and for Windows 10 Universal apps. Unfortunately, Windows 8.1 (released before Phone 8.1) still uses ResolutionScale so you need to continue using that property for Windows 8.1 apps. If you are building a Windows 8.1 / Windows Phone 8.1 Universal app..
TFS build error: Could not find SDK “Bing.Maps.Xaml, Version=1.313.0825.0”
I solve the problem with this visual studio extension :) https://visualstudiogallery.msdn.microsoft.com/1f027247-1e01-4ec6-8f5b-70dabb375217..
How to create an array with textboxes in Visual Basic 6.0
Your code isn't compiling because it is vb.net code. It should go without saying (but I'll say it anyway) that vb6 and vb.net are not the same thing. If you want to use an array, you will have to dimension the array with a number that is one less than..
How to run a script on startup in hidden mode
This Vbscript can did the trick (Tested on Windows 7 32 bits) Hope will work on your Windows 8 ;) So the code is very easy to use : You just change two things on it : PathApplication ShortcutName Option Explicit Dim PathApplication,ShortcutName,VbsPath VbsPath = Wscript.ScriptFullName PathApplication = 'C:signcatchersigncatcherprova.bat' ShortcutName..
Collapsed Grid in StackPanel change position of other controls in StackPanel
Simply set it's opacity to 0 if you don't want to deal with resizing etc.However you must consider interactions like tapping or clicking. Setting an opacity instead of Visibility is much usefull in terms of performance and it's easy..
How to call a function in Windows 8 app?
I solved it. There is no way (From what I know) to call a function that is not in the function itself. When I write the function like a regular function in the function itself it worked. Example for what I found: anotherFunction: function () { function textchange() { document.getElementById('id').innerText..
How do I get python to fetch information from command prompt such as 'tasklist'

You can use the check_output function: from subprocess import check_output var = check_output('tasklist') ..
VB6 code explanation
The InStr finds the (one-based) index of a string in another string. The closest equivalent in the modern .Net string methods is .IndexOf. However, I would replace the code you have with this C# statement. string sRetStr = (sString.Where((c) => char.IsDigit(c)).ToArray()).ToString(); ..
Switch back to PowerShell mode after switching to cmd mode
Type exit. PS C:Scripts> cmd Microsoft Windows [Version 6.3.9600] (c) 2013 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. C:Scripts>exit PS C:Scripts> ..
Reading VB6 three-dimensional array in FreePascal/Lazarus
It clears out that I used damaged data for my research. And I had bad dimension sizes. And I wasn't clear about the dimension order in my algorithms. Only the array data is saved to the file, coding the first dimension at the first place, then the second, and so..
Cannot install Visual Studio Professional and Community on Windows 8.1 Enterprise
ok, according to the dump, the setup crashes because of the Intel HD graphic driver: EXCEPTION_RECORD: (.exr -1) ExceptionAddress: 00000000 ExceptionCode: c0000005 (Access violation) ExceptionFlags: 00000000 NumberParameters: 2 Parameter[0]: 00000008 Parameter[1]: 00000000 Attempt to execute non-executable address 00000000 PROCESS_NAME: vs_professional.exe ERROR_CODE: (NTSTATUS) 0xc0000005 - Die Anweisung in 0x%08lx verweist auf..
Dtpicker in VB6

Use format function (same you did for DatePicker) when assigning value to your label : Private Sub Command1_Click() Label34.Caption = Format(DTPicker1.Value, 'yyyy/MM/dd') End Sub Or even better, get format from DatePicker: Private Sub Command1_Click() Label34.Caption = Format(DTPicker1.Value, DTPicker1.CustomFormat) End Sub I don't remember, but maybe DatePicker has a property giving..
Redirect content to a file in ascii encoding
As a simple workaround, specify the output as a command-line parameter instead of redirecting stdout: lessc -x style.less style.min.css ..
How to get a button's ID when clicked in Windows 8 apps?
This works on an ordinary webpage: var update = function(el) { document.getElementById('msg').innerHTML = el.id; } <button>btn1</button> <button>btn2</button> <span>ID goes here</span> But it's better to use event listeners: var update = function(el) { document.getElementById('msg').innerHTML = el.id; } document.getElementById('btn1').addEventListener('click', function() { update(this); });..
MS Access running a funtion from scheduled task not working
When opening access i was getting security warning which required user confirmation. I changed the security level to low in tool->macros->security to make this go away and success. On the server i had a different warning saying that the file is corrupt or badly closed. Still have not got round..
WinJS app with C# background task for push notifications
Typically you'd do this by having the C# background task project as part of the same VS solution, and then add a reference from the JS app project to the background task project. I would recommend not ever instantiating the C# component/class from your JS app, as this is not..
UnicodeDecodeError in pip install flake8 on Windows 8.1
After startlingly generous help from Padraic, we eventually figured out that the problem was my computer name, which was Fredrik-Bärbar (notice the ä, i.e. 0xe4 in code page 850, there in the 10th place, or 9th place using Python's 0-based indexing). (This error is related to that in Pip Error..
Google Chrome - How to compile Google Chrome in Windows?

DONE. Windows 8.1 Pro 64-bit. Visual Studio 2013 Community edition Step 1: C:>mkdir folder C:>cd folder C:>unzip https://src.chromium.org/svn/trunk/tools/depot_tools.zip C:folder>dir Directory of C:folder 18/04/2015 02:59 <DIR> depot_tools 0 File(s) 0 bytes 3 Dir(s) 67 387 064 320 bytes free Step 2: C:folderdepot_tools>git config --global user.name 'John Doe' C:folderdepot_tools>git config --global user.email '[email protected]' C:folderdepot_tools>git config..
Windows 8: Must enter login password twice
At some point in the last two days this has stopped occurring. Hopefully it was just a network issue during startup and won't happen again!
C# numeric onscreen keyboard
Hi there is property InputScope='Number' in Win 8.1 TextBox too.
Bash alias doesn't work in cygwin
The syntax of your alias command is correct and should be working as long as the alias command is actually being executed. It sounds like your .bashrc file is not being loaded when you start your bash shell. Make sure you have the following in your ~/.bash_profile file: [[ -s..