Best Diet Plan For P90x
Tony Horton is all about long-term goals and long-term results. That’s why his plan focuses not just on looking better – but on overall well-being. His strategy is twofold: Begin a sustainable fitness routine and practice a simple food plan. Together these elements create a lasting lifestyle change.
From This Episode:
Tony Horton's Breakthrough Plan to Reshape Your BodyThe key component of this breakthrough plan is the '90-10 Rule,' a critical diet guideline. The rule dictates that 90% of the time, you stick to healthy food. Select options that Tony refers to as “clean” foods – items with no preservatives, additives, or chemicals in the ingredients. Your body will thank you for eating natural, fresh items like leafy greens, veggies, lean proteins, whole grains, and healthy fats and oils. The other 10% of the time, you get to cheat! Consider it a reward for your healthy choices. On Tony’s plan, you no longer have to feel guilty for indulging – you can celebrate your good behavior.
Under the plan, you should eat 5 small meals a day, but you can have as few as 3 meals if you snack between them. You don’t need to count every calorie you put in your mouth, but be conscious of your portion sizes. Mastering the diet isn’t as difficult as it sounds – in fact, Tony broke down the plan into three simple rules. No matter what your level of culinary expertise, you can make smart, healthy and delicious choices using these food guidelines:
1. Choose Foods With Only 1 Ingredient
Whole, natural foods are crucial staples in any healthy diet. Unfortunately, much of what we buy is often crammed with unnatural additives and preservatives. Avoid these diet saboteurs by reading food labels to ensure you’re choosing options with only one ingredient. For example, if you grab a pack of frozen peas, check the label to ensure the ingredients read simply as “peas.' Any additional ingredient is superfluous. These “clean” foods are a huge weapon in the battle to reshape your body.
P90x Meal Plan Phase 1
2. Eat Dirty Snacks
This is the 90-10 Rule put into action! It’s tough to go from eating nothing but junk to following a rigid, disciplined diet. Follow your nutrition guide 90% of the time, but cheat on your snacks. You’ll satiate that sweet tooth without feeling deprived or guilty.
- Below you will find three different P90X Meal Plans for each phase of the P90X diet. Download these documents, starting with Phase I—Fat Shredder and take a good look at the foods in the food plan. This was especially important for us because we wanted healthy kid-friendly meals. Although our kids’ taste palate expand all the time.
- TO ThE P90x NuTRITION PLAN. This plan is designed to change right along with your 3-phase workout demands, providing the right combination of foods to satisfy your body’s energy needs every step of the way. While P90X is designed as a 90-day program, you might choose to alter your choice or timing of one or more of the plans.
3. “Re-Shake” to Reshape Your Body
Preparing meals in advance helps to curb temptation. Instead of hitting up the nearest fast food joint, have this meal-replacement shake instead. Make a big batch on Sunday and then pick one meal a day to enjoy the shake. It’s simple, delicious and full of healthy ingredients.
Tony’s Power Shake
Wednesday 2020-12-02 14:54:02 pm: Good Diet Plan For P90x Good Diet Plan For P90x Fat-Burning-Slimming-Pills. P90X Nutrition Guide and Diet Plan - The World Renown P90x Diet P90X Home Workout Overview The P90X workout and meal plan over the years has gained a reputation as one of the most sensational and effective workout programs ever to hit the DVD shelves. Aug 27, 2019 - Explore Sola Moon's board 'P90X', followed by 195 people on Pinterest. See more ideas about P90x, P90x workout, P90x workout schedule.
Frozen berries
Protein powder
Almond milk

Water or coconut water
Blend with ice.
The other component of Tony’s miracle plan is his workout. There’s no need to be intimidated – no matter what your fitness level, you can find a way to do each and every exercise. The secret of this plan is that it’s personalized for you. You can tailor the workout to your fitness level and vary the routine to keep up your engagement. Tony’s plan is a combination of cardio, resistance, plyometrics and yoga designed to avoid weight-loss plateaus and injuries. Go at your own pace – do your best and forget the rest! In no time, you’ll start to see results.
Start Tony’s 10-Minute Miracle Workout to Reshape Your Body now!
P90x diet menu is a 13 week diet plan that helps shed fat easily, and builds muscle, as well. The program also provides exercise and training techniques. The program comprises of 3 phases:
P90X Diet Menu
Phase 1

- This phase is followed for the first 4 weeks. The diet is high in proteins, but eliminates carbs altogether.
Phase 2
- Gradually, complex carbohydrates are included in to the diet, to keep up with the work-out schedule.
- You can eat 3 servings of complex carbohydrates, like whole wheat, rye, barley, oats and corn. Protein intake is high.
Phase 3
- The amount of carbohydrates is increased in order to provide staying power to get through the high-intensity work-outs.
Sample P90X Meal Plan
Here’s a sample menu plan
- Breakfast: oats
- Mid morning: scrambled egg
- Lunch: chicken and green salad
- Mid evening: apple and an energy bar / smoothie
- Dinner: grilled fish and steamed veggies
P90x Food Plan Pdf
P90X Nutrition Guide
Best Diet Plan For P90x Diet
- Foods that are recommended are: eggs, lean meat, low-fat skimmed milk, cheese, soy, fresh fruits and vegetables, dried fruits, seeds and nuts, flax seeds, whole grains, mustard, fat-free salad dressing.
- Always eat frequent small meals through the day
- Drink 3 liters of water daily.
- Before embarking on to the weight loss program, you need to work out your daily recommended calorie intake. This is based on the everyday activity and the resting metabolic rate.
- Exercise is very important whilst on to the p90x plan. Regular work outs and exercising is a must.
P90x Food List
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